Letter: Merrill Piepkorn is a breath of fresh air
When Merrill Piepkorn says will be a governor for all North Dakotans, I believe him. He’s one of us.
Merrill’s not a billionaire who can’t relate to what our lives are like. He isn’t interested in a post in Washington or using his position to earn favors for wealthy friends. And he’s not an extremist who will support his party no matter what.
When you grow up like Merrill did, in Stanley and Fargo North Dakota, the son of a schoolteacher, you appreciate teachers and librarians. You appreciate common sense and working together. You understand the importance of smart economic development that will actually benefit hard-working families, support community life, and protect our environment. You respect that others have a right to make decisions for themselves, like women should over their own healthcare.
Merrill spent his time in the North Dakota Senate working on solutions to our problems, like high property taxes. He is experienced in working across the aisle. He will bring balance to a state government that needs the Governor’s office to be a check on the Legislature and a voice for accountability.
Merrill is listening to our concerns, challenges, hopes and dreams, whether we live on farms and ranches, on tribal lands, in small towns or regional centers across the state. I expect and trust him to bring that inclusive wisdom and vision to Bismarck. What a breath of fresh air he will bring to the Governor’s office. Please join me in voting for Merrill Piepkorn for Governor!
Rhonda Loberg
Fargo, ND