Letter: Piepkorn Stands with Women, Armstrong Doesn’t

When Merrill Piepkorn says he stands with women, I believe him. As a senator in the North Dakota legislature, he had our backs. He voted against the draconian bills on women’s reproductive healthcare that Governor Burgum signed into law, driving out North Dakota’s only abortion clinic. Now women’s lives are at risk. As Governor of North Dakota, Merrill Piepkorn won’t sign those bills.

Instead Piepkorn will fight to restore protections for women’s rights and will sign bills that support women and their families, including increased access and affordability of childcare, safety that comes with common sense gun laws, and a good public education in our schools.

Kelly Armstrong has a record, too, in the U.S. House of Representatives. If the bill says “women,” he says “no.” He voted against women’s reproductive health over and over, including against protections for women seeking access to out-of-state abortion services and their right to access and use contraceptives. He even voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. He hasn’t supported childcare, safety, or public education.

Now Armstrong wants to be Governor of North Dakota. He doesn’t stand with women. Merrill Piepkorn does. I encourage you to join me in voting for Merrill Piepkorn for Governor of North Dakota.

Pam Anderson
Fargo, ND
District 41 Rep. 2015-2022


Letter: Piepkorn Walks the Walk for North Dakota, Armstrong Doesn’t


ND AFL-CIO Endorses Piepkorn for Governor